WHEREAS, Salt Lake City Corporation, by and through its Department of Public Utilities, provides culinary water service within Salt Lake City, and in addition has historically provided water service on a surplus basis within Holladay City and portions of Salt Lake County; and

WHEREAS, due to below average precipitation for the fourth consecutive year, the water supply in Deer Creek Reservoir presently available to Salt Lake City to meet demand within Salt Lake City and within Salt Lake City’s extraterritorial service area, is at an all-time low; and

WHEREAS, to ensure the availability of water throughout the peak water usage months, the Mayors of Salt Lake City, Utah; and Salt Lake County, Utah; desire to propose a variety of voluntary water conservation measures to be implemented on a system-wide basis by residents, businesses, the restaurant and lodging industry, churches, schools and other public and private agencies and institutions; and

WHEREAS, it has been demonstrated that the elimination of wasteful water-use practices can dramatically reduce water usage, while still maintaining the beauty and vitality of our landscapes;      

NOW THEREFORE, the Mayors of Salt Lake City, Utah; and Salt Lake County, Utah do hereby issue the following proclamation relating to water usage within the culinary water service area of Salt Lake City:

1.         Residents, businesses, the restaurant and lodging industry, churches, schools, other public and private agencies and institutions, and all other water customers of Salt Lake City and SaltLakeCounty are hereby called upon and encouraged, in a sprit of community cooperation, to adopt and implement the water conservation practices set forth in Exhibit A and Exhibit B, attached hereto. If conscientiously followed, these water conservation measures should result in a minimum outdoor water use savings of 20 percent, and a minimum overall water use savings of 10 percent.

2.         Through voluntary compliance with these water use guidelines, the adoption of mandatory restrictions and enforcement measures can be avoided.

3.         The adoption of these recommendations should begin immediately.  Water customers are encouraged to follow wise water use practices on a permanent basis as a means of stretching our valuable public water resources, and ensuring adequate supplies of high quality water for generations to come.

            Dated this 29th day of May,2002\

             Ross C. ANDERSON


                                                     SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH

                                                     NANCY WORKMAN


                                                      SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH


      Exhibit A

Recommended Practices for All Water Users:

  • Generally examine water use, both indoors and out of doors, to eliminate waste
  • As new landscapes are developed or as established landscapes are   renovated, consider how water will be used, and make choices regarding irrigation, plants, and design which use water efficiently and wisely
  • Examine irrigation systems, indoor plumbing and water-using appliances, to ensure that those systems do not leak and are operating efficiently
  • Adjust or replace sprinkler heads to eliminate over-spray on hardscape, fences, and buildings
  • Follow the recommended lawn watering schedule shown on Exhibit B
  • Avoid watering, whenever practicable, between the hours of 10 am and 6 pm
  • Hand water brown or dry spots; don’t over-water the entire lawn
  • Turn off irrigation systems when wind or rain is forecast
  • Water flowers, shrubs, and trees separately from lawns
  • Use a broom to clean sidewalks and drives
  • Mulch flowers, shrubs, and trees to retain soil moisture
  • Use washing machines and dish washers only when full, or adjust water levels accordingly
  • When installing or replacing appliances, install water-efficient appliances

Salt Lake City Actions:

  • Conducting Water Efficiency Study, to provide information to guide selection of long-term capital improvement projects
  • Review and update landscape and development ordinances to provide water-wise guidelines for public, private, and commercial development, for both indoor and outdoor water use
  • Conduct water efficiency checks at publicly owned green spaces
  • Ask restaurants and lodging establishments to partner with the EPA WAVE program which promotes water-saving measures, practices, and technologies, including directing diners to ask for water to be served and asking hotel guests to reduce laundry requests
  • DevelopingHighPerformanceBuilding guidelines that address indoor and out door water use, in landscape, stormwater, and wastewater aspects
  • Participate in the Slow the Flow Campaign, providing water checks to the private sector

Available Resources for Water Saving Information:

·       Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities water conservation pages at

·       For more information, contact Stephanie Duer at 483.6860 or

Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities

Water Conservation Guidelines

Exhibit B

Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District, USU Extension Services, Bureau of Reclamation, and Division of Water Resources jointly developed this watering schedule based on historic ET data provided by USU.

 It is recommended that ½ inch of water be applied to the lawn during each interval. With average water pressure and fixed pop-up heads, this would take approximately 20 minutes. It is best that the water be applied in cycles in order to maximize penetration of water into the soil and to the root zone. For example, set the automatic timer to run for seven minutes, repeated three times, with one hour between each cycle to achieve 20 minutes or ½ inch of water per interval.

Lawn Watering Schedule



Interval (1/2 inch of water per interval)

Startup until April 30

Only as necessary; no watering if there is rain


Once every 4 days

June, July, and August

Once every 3 days


Once every 6 days

October to shutdown

Once every 10 days; no watering if there is rain

Following this lawn-watering schedule will help us to achieve our goal to reduce outdoor water use by a minimum of 20 percent.