Bulletin Board

Stormwater Pumping Plant Construction

January 28, 2000

During the winter months construction activities slow down to a crawl, however construction that does not require street cuts proceed despite inclement weather. One such project is the 1200 West 200 South Stormwater Pump Station.  The $700,000 construction project is nearly completed and should be ready this coming spring.

The pumping station is a high priority project that will help prevent flooding of about 600 acres of property near downtown Salt Lake City.  In the past, during the spring or periods when the Jordan River is at high flow stage, water from the river flows backwards (backwater) into the 200 South 72-inch stormdrain pipe, a major outflow line draining the North Temple street 48-inch stormdrain pipe.  With the Jordan River backwater effect, the low laying streets on 200 South and adjoining side streets would flood. In order to prevent the Jordan River backwater from flooding back through the street inlets, a gate located at the outfall of the 200 South stormdrain pipe would be closed, preventing water from flowing into the City from the Jordan River; however, this also prevented run-off water from a rain event from flowing out of the City to the Jordan River.

The new pump plant will eliminate the Jordan River backwater problem and allow the pumping of run-off water during rain events.  Sensors, will detect the level of the Jordan River, and during high flow periods, automatically close the 72-inch gate at the outfall of the 200 South 72-inch stormwater drain pipe.  The pumping plant will activate and pump the rain event water drainage around the closed valve directly into the Jordan River.

Jeff Niermeyer, deputy Director, says that "the project will eliminate flooding episodes and provide good drainage of the area east of the Jordan River."  He continues, "The project required careful coordination between the federal highway administration, UDOT and Public Utilities and will provide positive benefits to Salt Lake City."

Questions regarding this drainage project can direct them to: frank.hamilton@ci.slc.ut.us