Bulletin Board

1998 Consumer Confidence Report 

July 16, 1999 

The Department of Public Utilities will be mailing out 100,000 “1998 Confidence Reports” to its customers within Salt Lake City and unincorporated Salt Lake County during the month of July.  Section 114 of the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 (Public Law 104-182) enacted August 6, 1996, amends Section 1414 (c) of the Act.  A new section 1414 (c) (4) provides for annual consumer confidence reports by community water systems to their customers.

The 1996 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act require EPA to establish rules for informing the public about their drinking water.  According to the EPA “The Consumer Confidence Reports” are the centerpiece of public right-to-know. The information contained in these reports can raise consumers’ awareness of where their drinking water comes from, show them the process by which safe drinking water is delivered to their homes, educate them about the importance of prevention measures such as source protection to a safe drinking water supply.”  The rules specify specific information that must be included in each community’s report. 

The following information is contained in Salt Lake City’s Consumer Report

·        Sources of water supply;

·        Information on the highest detected concentration of regulated contaminants;

·        The highest level of contaminants found in the City’s drinking water supply;

·        Information on any violations of the standards that occurred during the year;

·        What types of human activities or natural sources likely caused any contamination;

·        Relevant information about health effects;

·        How to get more information on related topics, such as detailed water quality data and notification about how vulnerable populations can avoid Cryptosoriduim.

The rule requires that the Consumer Confidence Report be prepared annually.  Salt Lake City plans to mail the Consumer Confidence Report to all of its 90,000 customer accounts, and attempt to reach by mail all rental and other customers who do not directly receive a bill.


According to Florence Reynolds, Water Quality and Treatment Administrator, she plans to do everything possible to make sure every customer Salt Lake City’s service area has a copy of the Report.  “Its been a challenge to put all of the required information into a single document that can be mailed,” says Ms. Reynolds.  She continues, “In the past, many of our customers complained about the small printing, so we have gone to great lengths to make sure that the print is large enough for everyone to read.”  Ms. Reynolds said, “This is an excellent opportunity to communicate with our customers, in a format that is consistent in every community. I’ve tried to make the technical side of drinking water standards simple, yet complete and informative.”


Audio tapes of the report will be available at the Utah State Library for the blind and physically handicapped by calling 715-6789.

When the Consumer Confidence Reports are delivered, the Department is requesting feedback from its customers as to the content and format.  This is an effort to meet the needs of our customers.  The issuance of this report will be an annual event, updated with the then current data.

If by the end of August you have not received a copy of the report, please call 483-6864. 

Additional Information regarding Salt Lake City’s Consumer Confidence Report can be directed by e-mail to: florence.reynolds@ci.slc.ut.us